Hello family,
Well, I´d thought I´d start in english because it´s the week of thanksgiving and that´s not a spanish holiday. I´m actually quite in shock right now but I´m happy for you Nikki, It´s still hasn´t really seemed real that you´ve been dating mitch all this time. But wow congratulations. I expect A LOT or MUCHO of details next week... But Happy Thanksgiving!!! What are you guys doing for thanksgiving? Hna Farnsworth and I are going to cook all that stuff sunday because we have more time and so we´re excited. And then on Monday our zone is going to have a thanksgiving dinner. So that will be fun as well. If dad, you have time to send me the orange roll recipe I´d really appreciate it. But the definite highlight of the week was Elder Bednar. What an amazing amazing conference with him. Him and his wife and Elder Snow and his wife came and they all spoke to us. And then after Sister Bednar and Sister Snow and Elder Snow, Elder Bednar had a question and answer session for 3 hours. It was incredible. He first told don´t write a word I say down, because what I say is not important and I´m not the teacher and when are you ever going to read these notes again and if you´re to concentrated on writing you´ll miss the true teacher the spirit. So I really tried to listen and just write down thoughts I liked and that really applied to me. I loved it. I enjoyed it so much more as well. Elder Bednar is so nice and so upfront and relates well with the young adults. He emphasized a lot learning by the spirit and how as we focus the spirit will teach us. He also told us that I hope by the end of this confernce you all realize that you don´t need a apostle to answer your questions, we have the right to recieve revelation and he said I hope you say Thanks for coming, but bye because we don´t need you anymore, we can find answers for ourselves. It was so profound, not just learning about being teachers of the spirit but learners of the spirit as well. INCREDIBLE!!! I´ve been studying some of his talks the mission has given us and my notes and I´m just in awe. It was so great. I also got to see a lot of great missionaries and it was so neat to listen to 350 missionaries sing called to serve since I didn´t get that in the mtc. The spirit was powerful. And then I saw hermanas from the other mission that were with me in the mtc and hna ung from payson, I had no idea she was on a mission. But it was so fun to see my old companions, elders in my districts and other missionaires that I´ve known before. At the end as well, I saw a hermana from my first area minas and after a week in the mission I went to her engagement party, but now I saw her and we hugged she was so sweet and she goes you can communicate now in spanish, I taught her family a lot in MInas. It was so great talking to see her. It´s been a good week, the work is steadily going. Thanks for the prayers. I love you all mucho!!!! Thanks so much for the emails, Dad, Mom, NIkki, and kim!!! LOVE YA!!! You´re always in my prayers. I´m so so grateful for the great family and friends I have!!!
con amor, Tiffani
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